Makerere University

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Why you can’t trust things you copy and paste from web pages

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Put away your wget and curl, your SOAP clients and WSDLs, WebDAV servers, REST APIs and JSON callbacks; when it comes to moving data off websites and on to your computer the sticky stuff that greases the wheels is copy and paste.

This side of haptic gloves, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V is as close as we can get to reaching out and grabbing something off the web. It’s the cyber-grab you cyber-learn in your cyber-infancy and never cyber-forget because you endlessly cyber-repeat it.

Repetition teaches us that what goes in to our hand when we Ctrl+C (grab something) comes out of our hand when we Ctrl+V (let it go).

But what if it didn’t?

What if you reached out to grab one apple but when you opened your hand you had a pear? Or a piranha?

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