Setting up Outlook to Clear your Inbox
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Click the link below to setup outlook to automatically delete mail from your Mak inbox.Select the number of days you want the messages to remain on the Mak-mail server.After those days,your inbox will be automatically cleared and your emails will only be available on the mail-client on your PC (outlook,Eudora etc).
You are advised to use mail-clients only on your personal computer/laptop.Setting up a mail client on a shared computer will make your emails accessible to other users unless you do the following;
1) Use different password protected log-in profiles for users of the shared computer.
2) Set-up a password for your Outlook Data File (.pst) to help prevent unintentional intrusion.Click the link below for steps.
For other versions of outlook,click (Tools>Account settings>Data
Files>Settings>Change password).
While you might have all your emails downloaded to Outlook on your PC,it's important to have a backup in another mail box for example Gmail.To enable this,click on "options" in web-mail,then click "forwarding" and then type in the address where you want your emails forwarded.This will help you better manage your inbox and you will not have to worry about your quota filling up.However,basic email communication etiquette still applies if we are to communicate professionally for example;
1) Only respond to an email if you MUST.
2) Think before you click the "reply all" button.Some users might not be interested in your communication.
3) If the email is intended for a specific recipient,don't send it to the entire staff-list.