Email Migration Guideline
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By End User Support Team
On 28 Jan 2021, the DVC FA communicated about the change of Mak-related email addresses to a “Single Top-Level Domain”. This key change will be
in tandem with other government institutions and leading organizations and Universities the world over. It will allow integration of key services like HR management business process(e-HRMS).
On the 1st February 2021, The Director DICTS followed up with communication that detailed some of the plans that were getting underway, plans like back-end preparations, communication to users. He also addressed a key concern of what would happen to the old email address. After feedback was shared by staff, it was agreed that;
I. The standard nomenclature will be and that if users have the same names, the one who verifies second, the system will auto-tag name initials.
II. It was agreed, the current university email address say (, will be retained for a period of two(2) years. This will allow for your contacts to be
acquainted with the new email address.
III. Migration will be in a phased manner.
Attached is the Guideline showing pictorial documentation of how you can do the migration.
Here is a link to the Youtube video showing how the migration can be done .