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10 Free Tools to Filter and Block Porn on the Internet

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A computer with an Internet connection is able to expose your children to everything both good and bad that is on the world wide web unless you have some kind of parental control software installed to automatically filter out bad or questionable websites such as pornography, violence, gambling and etc. Most of the time, software that can block porn uses two methods to detect bad websites which is through keywords and a blocklist. Most of the time the keywords don’t really need to be updated other than periodically adding new keywords. As for a blocklist, it requires constant maintenance which is why some of the popular parental control software such as NetNanny and CyberPatrol are subscription based software and not a one time payment for a lifetime license. These dangerous websites not only pollute the young minds but they are also a common source for malware spreading. Browsing through free porn sites may get you infected by rogueware that tries to trick you into thinking that your computer is infected so you’ll buy their fake antivirus software to remove them or ransomware that locks up your computer and only will unlock upon payment. To automatically block pornography websites, here are 10 free tools. If you want to try and block porn and other questionable content at a lower level, blocking via DNS is another option.

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