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Always maintain a updated version of PDF Reader

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Ever wondered why PDF reader is so important and why perfoming updates is much needed, this is because it is an application that can become vulnerable any time hence patching it up is the best thing to do to avoid malware and any exploits from hackers.

Performing the updates will

  1. Deliver a multitude of revisions to your computer, such as adding new features,removing outdated features, updating drivers, delivering bug fixes, and most importantly, fixing security holes that have been discovered.
  2. Otherwise Hackers exploit this weakness by writing code to target a specific vulnerability, which is packaged into malware.
  3. These exploits can infect your computer with no action on your part other than viewing a website, opening a compromised message, or playing infected media. So always  deploy and maintain a PDF Reader as it may allow malware due to its vulnerabilities. And update the PDF Reader with latest features. 