Benefits of BCC
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What is BCC?
BCC, which stands for blind carbon copy, allows you to hide recipients in email messages. Addresses in the To: field and the CC: (carbon copy) field appear in messages, but users cannot see addresses of anyone you included in the BCC: field.
Why would you want to use BCC?
There are a few main reasons for using BCC:
Privacy - Sometimes it's beneficial, even necessary, for you to let recipients know who else is receiving your email message. However, there may be instances when you want to send the same message to multiple recipients without letting them know who else is receiving the message. If you are sending email on behalf of a business or organization, it may be especially important to keep lists of clients, members, or associates confidential. You may also want to avoid listing an internal email address on a message being sent to external recipients.
Another point to remember is that if any of the recipients use the "reply to all" feature to reply to your messages, all of the recipients listed in the To: and CC: fields will receive the reply. If there is potential for a response that is not appropriate for all recipients, consider using BCC.
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