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DO NOT install Microsoft patches or updates sent by email (They are fake)

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This Information is good for every user or I.T specialist

Microsoft never sends out patches or updates by email. There are no exceptions. Keep that in mind and you won't be a victim of a Microsoft patch hoax.

[I.T Tech Story]

The first time I received one of these, I sat down at my workstation and saw an email message from Microsoft telling me to install the patch they had handily supplied as an attachment. I knew this was bogus immediately. We sent out a voicemail quickly warning all employees not to fall for opening attachments that offer to install any kind of software. That was March, 1999. Every 18 months or so, someone tries this hoax again by crafting and sending out a phony email complete with a Microsoft look-alike logo, spoofed return address, links, etc., and some text assuring you that this is all the real thing. It isn't.

This speaks of something so ardent. We don't need to be ignorant but we need to be knowledgeable about such things can save you as a person, organisation and institution a great deal.
