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How Does Malware Get Into Your Smartphone?

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Malicious apps are a scourge to smartphone users. No matter your take on iOS versus Android, we can all agree that a malware-infected app guarantees a terrible day. And while the Google Play Store is undoubtedly drowning in malicious apps, the long-standing sanctity of the Apple App Store is no more.
How to Fix 5 Common iPhone & iPad Security Threats

Why do malware purveyors want to infect your smartphone with an infected app? There are two simple reasons: money and data. There are countless apps out there that never arrive accompanied with a malicious sting. So how do they avoid infection, and how does malware get into an app in the first place?

Infected Apps Everywhere

Measuring the pervasiveness of malware infected mobile applications is difficult. In an already shifting marketplace, capturing a clear picture is difficult. One thing is clear: no single mobile operating system is free. Android users recently encountered HummingWhale, Judy, and Xavier attacks, while iOS users had to contend with XcodeGhost.

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