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Why Are Web Applications Targeted?

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It has been said that something technology is evolving and everyday we say that the trend of doing business online is on the increase. People have access to the internet through tablets, smartphones and other smart gadgets to enable them connect with the world. There are a billion of sites that offer online services ranging from banking to shopping or trading online. With this development, it brings a big discussion that needs to be addressed and that's the issue of CYBER SECURITY. 

In regards to security, its a well known fact by hackers that naive users are the weakest link, that's why it is important to always be armed with information to help avert any major security breach.

Here is an excerpt from Monique Buchanan on Best Practices For Web Application on February 11, 2015

You can visit this link for more

Why Are Web Applications Targeted?

Less than 10% of organizations ensure that critical applications are reviewed for security before and during production. [2]  Security testing is often performed as an afterthought, at the end of the development lifecycle.

Web applications are constantly exposed to the Internet and are easy to probe using free tools that look for common, published vulnerabilities.

Unlike operating systems that host applications locally, web applications are not always protected by next-generation firewalls or intrusion detection and prevention systems.

Because web applications often have short development cycles and rapid time-to-market schedules, security oversights in design and coding may occur. With time-sensitive schedules, developers are also likely to assemble applications from hybrid code -- obtained from a mix of in-house development, outsourced code, and third-party or open-source libraries. During this mash-up process, critical vulnerabilities can be copied, overlooked, and implemented into production code.

What Can Be Done?
There are actions developers and project managers can take while web applications are still in development to reduce the number of vulnerabilities.

See some best practices on ict security that can help you be up to date click this link
