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How to Browse Linux Partitions From Windows (And Vice Versa)

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Dual booting is a great way to get the best of both worlds in modern computing. But sometimes it can be a problem.

One of the biggest issues is accessing data between operating systems. It doesn’t matter if you’re booting two or more Linux operating systems or you’re using Linux and Windows together. Operational issues can occur that will hit your productivity where it hurts.

Fortunately, there are solutions. This is how you can share your data across dual-booting operating systems.

Why Share Your Data?

Perhaps the most popular use for dual booting (as opposed to, say, switching to Linux completely) is to improve productivity. You want to use Linux, but retain a stake in Windows — there are apps that simply won’t run in Linux, such as Adobe Photoshop (although alternatives are available).

Read more here (source)